Singapore Chinatown :: Die Qual der Wahl – Bratwurst oder Hühnerfüße?


Wenn man nach Chinatown will, nichts leichter als das: man nimmt die lilafarbene MRT-Linie und steigt an der Haltestelle Chinatown aus.

Old School Details: Plaid Pattern & Cognac Pumps

Hallo ihr Lieben!
obwohl ich dieses Outfit ganz spontan zusammengestellt hatte, fiel mir im Nachhinein auf, dass ich wohl automatisch einige „old school“ Details darin kombiniert habe:

Hello everyone!
I’ve just asked myself how to describe this outfit and although I had chosen the pieces spontaneously, I noticed that unconsciously it turned to be a modern casual look with some „old school“ details:


Singapore Part III :: Gardens by the Bay

DE: Heute besuchen wir die Gardens by the Bay in Singapur. Diese befinden sich hinter dem Marina Bay Sands Hotel.

EN: read this article in English



Ich kann jedem ans Herz legen, diesen Komplex zu besuchen.

The English Tearoom :: Where British taste meets tea passion

A few years ago, after tasting a very good Darjeeling tea, I converted from a tea drinker to a tea lover. That was the first time I started to look scornfully at tea bags. I have liked Darjeeling for a long time, but last year I was offered a very good Oolong tea with osmanthus blossoms in Singapore. Here I started to understand Chinese tea culture and now I pity people who roll their eyes when I’m gushing about tea ;).

The English Tearoom